| Intrathecal baclofen for intractable spasticity of spinal origin: results of a long-term multicenter studyROBERT J. COEEEY, M.D., DAVID CAMEL, M.D., WILI.IAM STEERS, M.D.,T. S. PARK, M.D., JOE ORDIA, M.D., JAY MEYIHALER, M.D., RICHARD HERMAN, M.D.,ANDREW G. SIIEVI'ER, M.D., ROBFRT LEVY, M.D., PII.D., BRIAN GILL, M.D.,R1CI1ARD SMIHt, M.D., JACK WILBERGER, M.D., JOhN D. LOESER, M.D.,CHARLES CHABAL, M.D., CLAUDIO FELER, M.D., Ja~lvs T. ROBERTSON, M.D.,RICHARD D. PENN, M.D., ALDEN CLARKE, M.D., KIM J. BURCHIEL, M.D., ANn LYAL G. LE1BROCK, M.D.
The participating centers and the Coordinating Center, United States Intratkecal Baclofen Study Group, and the Department of Neurologic Surgery, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota
 | Functional benefits and cost/benefit analysis of continuous intrathecal baclofen infusion for the management of severe spasticityFIONA C. SAMPSON, M.SC., ANDREW HAYWARD, M.B.,B.S., M.SC., GILLIAN EVANS, M.B.B.CHIR., M.R.C.G.P., M.F.P.H.M., RICHARD MORTON, B.M.B.CH., F.R.C.P.C.H., AND BEVERLY COLLETT, F.R.C.A.
School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield; Department of Primary Care and Population Sciences, Royal Free Hospital, London; Southern Derbyshire Health Authority, and Ronnie Mackeith Child Development Centre, Derbyshire Children’s Hospital, Derby; and Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester, United Kingdom
 | Prospective 12-Month Study of Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy for Poststroke Spastic Upper and Lower Extremity Motor Control and Functional Improvementner_308 38..45Mya C. Schiess, MD*, Irene J. Oh, MD*, Erin F. Stimming, MD*, Joseph Lucke, PhD†, Fernando Acosta, MD‡, Stanley Fisher, MD§,
Richard K. Simpson, MD, PhD§
 | Continuous Intrathecal Baclofen Infusion by a Programmable Pump in 131 Consecutive Patients with Severe Spasticity of Spinal OriginJoe I. Ordia, MD, FACS, & Edward Fischer, MD, & Ellen Adamski, RN,& Kimberly G. Chagnon, MS, ANP, & Edward L. Spatz, MD, FACS
Department of Neurosurgery, Boston Medical Center, and Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts
 | Management of increase in spasticity in patients with intrathecal baclofen pumps
N. Roche, A. Even-Schneider, B. Bussel, D. Bensmail* Service eZ médecine physique et réadaptation, hôpital Raymond-Poincaré, APHP, université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin,
104, boulevard Raymond-Poincaré, 92380 Garches, France Reçu le 7 juillet 2006 ; accepté le 19 septembre 2006
Marjánké A Hoving* MD; Elisabeth P M van Raak MD PhD, Department of Neurology; Geert H J J Spincemaille MD PhD, Department of Neurosurgery; Liesbeth J Palmans, Department of Physical Therapy, University Hospitál Maastricht, Maastricht; Frans AM Sleypen, Department of Physical Therapy, Franciscusoord Rehabilitation Centre for Children, Valkenburg; Johan SH Vles MD PhD, Department of Child Neurology, University Hospitál Maastricht, Maastricht, the Netherlands; onbehalf of the Dutch Study Group on Child Spastícity.